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Learn About Our Ministries

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LIFT - Ladies in Fellowship Together

The LIFT group meets the second Tuesday of every month for fellowship and service.  Please check with the office for exact dates and locations as they may change.  The group hosts a Senior Lunch every other month beginning in January.  Each year, the ladies group decides how to use donations received to support the local community.  

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Men's Brotherhood

Our men's group meets the 4th Thursday of month. Meeting places change monthly. They plan projects around the church, including the Easter breakfast and bonfire. 

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Senior Luncheon

A team from our church cooks and serves a delicious meal for local seniors. This is normally held at 11:30 am on the 2nd Tuesday of most odd-numbered months but check the date since it occasionally varies. They serve lunch at the tables and then organize bingo and dominoes after we eat. For bingo players we suggest you bring a $10 prize. We say it's for seniors, but no one is checking your AARP card at the door.

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St. Peter's Diners

This fun group meets at local restaurants for food and fellowship on the 3rd Thursday of most months. After our meal, we pass the hat and raise some money for the Shepherd's Heart Food Pantry in Taylor. Each month we visit a different restaurant. If you have an idea for a new place to try, let us know.


Ministry Bible Study

Check back for announcements on future Bible studies.


Summer Children's Program

Every Summer after the kids get out of school St. Peter's hosts a week long day camp. Kids play outside, make crafts, learn a Bible lesson and eat lunch together.


Family Village Farm - South India

For a number of years several members of St. Peter's have sponsored children at the Family Village Farm in South India. Currently we sponsor eight children. This residential program and school supports both orphans and widows, bringing widows in to care for the young children.

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Shepherd's Heart Food Pantry

St. Peter’s Church joins with other churches in the Taylor area to support the ministry of Shepherd’s Heart. Our church helps with food distribution several times a year and contributes food and funds to this important mission. The Shepherd’s Heart Thrift Store at 121 East 2nd Street in Taylor also raises money for the food pantry.

(512) 856-2433

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